How To: Green Tea Bath

Green Tea

Ross Alan Pollack, Hong Kong/Getty Images

Despite what we know about baths and dry skin, sometimes there is nothing better at reducing stress than taking a nice, warm bath. There are many things you can add to your bath water to pamper your skin like milk and honey, epsom salts and even tea so don't think drying bubbles are your only option.

Green tea has great benefits head to toe, inside and even outside your body, so it isn't such a crazy idea to save some of those tea bags for your bath tub.

What You Need

  • 6 Tea Bags
  • A tub filled with warm water

Instructions: Simply add the tea bags to your tub and fill with warm water. Let the tea bags steep for 15 to 20 minutes before taking them out. Sure, it's best if you wait to get in after the tea has steeped in your tub, but by then the water will be cold so if you want to wait, put hot water in your tub. If you don't want to wait, it's totally fine.

What to Expect: The tea will turn your bath water a nice greenish-brown color. Green tea is known as a great antioxidant and detoxifier when drinking or applying straight to skin.

Extras: This doesn't have to be a one-ingredient bath. I love to add a full cup or more of epsom salts to my bath no matter what I'm adding in it. My last bath was 6 tea bags + epsom salts and it was lovely.

Don't Forget: Moisturizing is so important after a bath. Apply a thick cream or natural moisturizer to your skin immediately after getting out to avoid dry skin. Exfoliating at the end of your bath is also a great way to keep your skin looking smooth and flake-free.